Application for Early Entry to the





Mailing Address: __________________________________


  City: _________________ State: ________ Zip Code _________


Name on Badge #1: ________________________________


Name on Badge #2: ________________________________


How many badges at $80 per badge: _____  Total enclosed: __________


Email address: ____________________________________


Mobile phone: _____________________________________


I plan on attending the dinner: Yes_____   No_____


Tell us what you are looking for that you didn’t find at the last show: __________




Early entry includes admission at 11 AM on Thursday May 9, 2022 and admission at 8AM on Friday, May 10, and Saturday May 11.


Early Admission includes the following on Thursday: pizza for lunch, afternoon snacks and dinner. Dinner will be held at 13728 Spring Ranches Road, Grass Valley. After dinner, we will have two brief seminars on Chinese in early California and Women in the West.


Mail Checks to: Grass Valley Old West Show, 1470 Rose Street, Berkeley, CA 94702-1230



Mike McDowell Show Host

Jim Casey Show Host

Regular admission is $10 and includes entry for both days.

May 8th is Early Entry for non table holders, $80 if mailed by April 13, 2025, or $100 at the door which includes lunch & dinner and 2 evening seminars.
Show Hours:  Early Entry 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Thursday May 8th. 

Early Entry on Friday May 9th at 8 a.m. is $40, 9 a.m. is $20, and 10 a.m. is regular admission price of $10.     

Friday the 9th is 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.    

Saturday the 10th is 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

We look forward to seeing you.  Stay tuned for articles about and articfacts available from our dealers.

2025 Show Card